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English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO Pre/SIDBI GRADE A 2022 : 15th May – Miscellaneous

English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO Pre/SIDBI GRADE A 2022 : 15th May – Miscellaneous | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Miscellaneous


Directions (1-15): There are two
different sentences with a blank space in each question. Choose the word from
the given options which fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper
and logical meaning to the sentences.


(I) Jenny had a special _______________,
Bill Giannini, who visited each week and took her out for lunch as she became
more limited at home.

(II) The secret _____________________
of former president had her prison sentence cut by two years in a retrial.

(a) Parlance

(b) Highly

(c) Automated

(d) Confidante

(e) Ineluctably



(I) In the last century the same conflicts led to the First World War
and continued to be a bone of _________________
throughout the Second.

(II) With his team in _______________________for
a Champions League place, he has been one of the best performing English
centre-backs anywhere.

(a) Vacillating

(b) Contention

(c) Inchoate

(d) Inarticulate

(e) Growing



(I) Business Insider consulted with leading career experts to find
the most important __________________
rules for a collaborative workspace.

(II) __________________
is way more than just which fork and knife to pick to pick up.”

(a) Embrace

(b) Occasion

(c) Reluctant

(d) Entrust

(e) Etiquette


(I) The Afghan Taliban has spoken of its plans to _______________ “bilateral relations” with
countries around the world.

(II) Government has reaffirmed its commitment to ________________ strong ties with the
private sector in order to create employment and reduce poverty.

(a) Sodality

(b) Forge

(c) Cabal

(d) Disappointed

(e) Gadfly



(I) He managed to ___________________
them both by forming an alliance of parties dominated by the country’s ethnic
Malay Muslim majority.

(II) Boda boda motorcyclists are accused of inconveniencing
pedestrians by using sidewalks to ____________________
traffic congestion.

(a) Depress

(b) Surprised

(c) Outmanoeuvre

(d) Shocked

(e) Ceased



(I) The German health minister has described the coronavirus as a worldwide
________________, putting pressure
on the laggard WHO to do the same.

(II) Given the globalized spread of the disease, the term __________________ is beginning to
circulate among officials and the news media.

(a) Depletion

(b) Pandemic

(c)  Cooperation

(d) Completion

(e) Tolerant



(I) Students and their parents should not panic but take ____________________ measures.

(II) While the research is taking place, the Department of Health
is reiterating its _____________________
advice on the use of mobile phones.

(a) Wary


(c) Inarticulate

(d) Domineering

(e) Responsive


(I) Officials said that the individuals had underlying medical
problems that could have made them particularly ________________ to the virus.

(II) Older people are more ___________________
to extremes of heat and cold because of impaired thermoregulation.


(b) Tricky  

(c) Procrastinate

(d) Assembled

(e) Susceptible



(I) India’s economic slowdown has been ____________________ long and steep.

(II) There’s a ____________________
low percentage of women who think these types of calls constitute harassment.

(a) Assimilated

(b) Poured

(c) Disconcertingly

(d) Joyfully

(e) Civilizing


(I) The Army in its 2021 fiscal year budget request has asked for a
sharp reduction in funding for its ______________
wheeled vehicles.

(II) The Ottawa Police Service’s ________________ unit made the first ever appearance by a Canadian
team at an invitation-only international SWAT competition.

(a) Tactical

(b) Confluence

(c) Bantered

(d) Credible

(e) Malleable



(I) If the US signed the deal as a sovereign nation state, the
Taliban must be _________________
recognised as being in sovereign control too.

(II) They spell out what their intentions are rather than
arrogantly assuming everyone trusts their judgment __________________.

(a) Censured

(b) Aplomb

(c) Enigma

(d) Implicitly

(e) Travesty


(I) Boarding schools have actually provided ___________________ of requests for masks within the last five

(II) A ___________________
of homemade bombs are recovered from a Rochelle man’s home.

(a) Recitative

(b) Multitude  

(c) Fawning

(d) Abstruse

(e) Facetious



(I) The Gauhati High Court has observed that proof beyond all ____________________
doubt is not needed in Foreigners Tribunal for establishing citizenship.

(II) The Government’s new proposals at the negotiating table are ___________________.

(a) Feigned

(b) Striated

(c) Reasonable

(d) Touted

(e) Colluded



(I) It dwarfs all the other buildings in the area and exudes an air
of bureaucratic ____________________ and implacable arrogance.

(II) His ___________________ on the issue is probably no surprise
to lawmakers who have encountered his infamous temper.

(a) Flourished

(b) Compunction

(c) Propriety

(d) Intransigence

(e) Warrant



(I) Netburn gave the attorneys permission to _______________ the
names of the witnesses.

(II) WikiLeaks took “extreme measures” to ________________
sensitive names before releasing thousands of secret US military files on the
wars in Afghanistan.

(a) Protagonist

(b) Model

(c) Redact

(d) Contest

(e) Affectation


S1. Ans. (d)

Sol. “Confidante” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (d) is the
right answer choice.

It means -A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter,
trusting them not to repeat it to others; Close friend, Best friend, Close
associate, Companion.

Parlance- a particular way of speaking or using words,
especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest.

Ineluctably- incapable of being evaded; inescapable

S2. Ans. (b)

Sol. “Contention” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (b) is the
right answer choice. It means heated
or an assertion,
especially one maintained in argument; Claim.

Vacillating- wavering between different opinions or actions;

Inchoate-  Just begun and so
not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.

S3. Ans. (e)

Sol. “Etiquette” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (e) is the
right answer choice.

It means the customary code
of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or

Reluctant- unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Entrust- assign the responsibility for doing something to

S4. Ans. (b)

Sol. “Forge” fits into
both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
Hence, option (b) is the right
answer choice.

It means make or shape (a
metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it
or create (something) strong, enduring, or

Sodality- a confraternity or association, especially a Roman
Catholic religious guild or brotherhood.

Cabal- a secret political clique or faction.

Gadfly- a fly that bites livestock, especially a horsefly, warble
fly, or botfly.

S5. Ans. (c)

Sol. “Outmanoeuvre” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (c) is the
right answer choice.

It means evade (an opponent)
by moving faster or with greater agility
or use skill and cunning to gain an advantage over.

S6. Ans. (b)

Sol. “Pandemic” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (b) is the
right answer choice.

It means (of a disease)
prevalent over a whole country or the world.

S7. Ans. (b)

Sol. “Precautionary” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (b) is the
right answer choice.

It means carried out as a
precaution; preventive.

Wary- feeling or showing caution about
possible dangers or problems.

Domineering- assert one’s will over another in an arrogant way.

S8. Ans. (e)

Sol. “Susceptible” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (e) is the
right answer choice.

It means likely or liable to
be influenced or harmed by a particular thing
or capable or admitting of.

S9. Ans. (c)

Sol. “Disconcertingly” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (c) is the
right answer choice.

It means Causing one to feel
unsettled; Discomfiting, Disturbing.

S10. Ans. (a)

Sol. “Tactical” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (a) is the
right answer choice.

It means: Showing adroit
planning; Aiming at an end beyond the immediate action; Calculated, Planned

Bantered- exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way.

Malleable- (of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or
pressed into shape without breaking or cracking.

Confluence- the junction of two rivers, especially rivers of approximately
equal width.

S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. “Implicitly” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (d) is the
right answer choice.

It means In a way that is
not directly expressed; Tacitly

Aplomb- self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a
demanding situation.

Enigma- a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to

Travesty- a false, absurd, or distorted representation of

S12. Ans. (b)

Sol. “Multitude” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (b) is the
right answer choice.

It means a large number of
people or things.

Recitative- musical declamation of the kind usual in the narrative
and dialogue parts of opera and oratorio, sung in the rhythm of ordinary speech
with many words on the same note.

Fawning- displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious.

Abstruse- difficult to understand; obscure.

Facetious- treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate
humour; flippant.

S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. “Reasonable” fits
into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (c) is the
right answer choice.

It means having sound
judgement ; fair and sensible or as much as is appropriate or fair; moderate.

Feigned- simulated or pretended; insincere.

Striated- striped or streaked.

Touted- attempt to sell (something), typically
by a direct or persistent approach.

Colluded- cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in
order to deceive or gain an advantage over others.

S14. Ans. (d)

Sol. “Intransigence” fits into both the blanks
appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

It means refusal to
change one’s views or to agree about something.

Compunction- a feeling of guilt
or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad.

Propriety- conformity to
conventionally accepted standards of behaviour or morals.

S15. Ans. (c)

Sol. “Redact” fits into
both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the
sentences. Hence, option (c) is the
right answer choice.

It means edit (text) for publication OR censor or obscure (part of a text) for legal or security

Protagonist- the leading character or one of the major characters
in a play, film, novel, etc.

Affectation- behaviour, speech, or writing that is pretentious and
designed to impress.



English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_70.1

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_80.1

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