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English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 18th February – Phrasal verb fillers

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 18th February – Phrasal verb fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Phrasal verb fillers

Direction (1-15): In each of the following questions,
a sentence is given with a blank followed by five options. Choose the most appropriate
word/phrase to fill in the blank making it contextually meaningful and
grammatically correct.


Q1. A man was detained by the police after he tried
to______________ to the National Security Advisor’s residence.

(a) Break up

(b) Back up

(c) Blow up

(d) Break in

(e) Break down



Q2. Sudanese intellectuals and actors _____________
African Union to back the UN efforts to settle the ongoing political crisis in

(a) Calmed down

(b) Called around

(c) Called back

(d) Called off

(e) Called on


Q3. Two educationists are of the opinion that the
education ministry should focus on helping students _________ with their

(a) Check in

(b) Catch up

(c) Check out

(d) Cheer up

(e) Chip in


Q4. Some scientists say that the dinosaurs ____________
when a comet hit the earth and caused a nuclear winter.

(a) Dig in

(b) Died out

(c) Dig into

(d) Fawn over

(e) Feed off



Q5. Nowadays, you need IT skills if you want to
_________ ahead in your career.

(a) Feel up to

(b) Get along

(c) Give up

(d) Get ahead of

(e) Get ahead



Q6. I found the course quite hard but I _________ it
and completed it successfully.

(a) Keep around

(b) Keep away

(c) Keep back

(d) Key to

(e) Kept at


Q7. In areas where they have monopoly, some garages
___________ fuel because there is nowhere else to buy it.

(a) Price up

(b) Pop in

(c) Polish up

(d) Pull ahead

(e) Power up



Q8. The purpose of literature review is __________
what has been said on the topic.

(a) Cut out

(b) Add up

(c) Buy out

(d) Buy up

(e) Find out



Q9. When deadlines approach, a student cannot let
anything _________________ the completion of an assignment.

(a) Get across

(b) Leave out

(c) Hold up

(d) Make out

(e) Make up



Q10. Regretfully, the board must ______________ a
number of applicants every year.

(a) Set up

(b) Turn down

(c) Use up

(d) Bear on

(e) Catch up with



Q11. The question is, should a citizen be able to __________
its government to preserve free access to clean water?

(a) Come up

(b) Fall apart

(c) Call for

(d) Count on

(e) Go on



Q12. Steven tried everything, but could not _______________
to his youth.

(a) Hold on

(b) Hold out

(c) Hold out on

(d) Look into

(e) Look after



Q13. At the beginning of his speech, Finn found it
necessary to ______________ the circumstances of the event.

(a) Take after

(b) See to

(c) Put up with

(d) Touch on

(e) Pick up on


Q14. Sam _____________ the research because Jimmy
couldn’t find the time.

(a) Carried away

(b) Capped off

(c) Cancelled out

(d) Carried off

(e) Carried out


Q15. They _______________ thousands of pounds on their
wedding reception.

(a) Lived by

(b) Laid out

(c) Lived down

(d) Let in

(e) Lined up


S1. Ans. (d)

Sol. Break in: Force entry toa building

Break up: Escape

Back up: Support

Blow up: Add air

Break down: Stop functioning



S2. Ans. (e)

Sol. Called on: Ask for an answer or opinion

Calmed around: Relax after being angry

Called around: 
Phone many different places or people

Called back: Return a phone call

Called off: Cancel 


S3. Ans. (b)

Sol. Catch up: succeed in reaching a person who is
ahead of one.

Check in: Arrive and register at a hotel or airport

Check out: Look at

Cheer up: Become happier

Chip in:  help


S4. Ans. (b)

Sol. Die out: Become extinct or disappear

Dig in: Start eating greedily

Dig into: Reach inside to get something

Fawn over: Praise someone in an excessive way to get
their favour or something from them.

Feed off: Eat a food as part of an animals’ diet.


S5. Ans. (e)

Sol. Get ahead: Progress

Feel up to: Feel capable of doing something.

Get ahead of: Move in front of.

Get along: have a harmonious or friendly relationship.

Give up: Stop doing something that has been a habit.


S6. Ans. (e)

Sol. Keep at: Continue with something

Keep around: Keep something near you.

Keep away: Don’t allow someone near something.

Keep back: Maintain a safe distance.

Key to: Plan things to fit or suit people or


S7. Ans. (a)

Sol. Price up: Change more for something

Pop in:  Visit
for a short time

Polish up: 
Improve something quickly

Pull ahead: Overtake, move in front

Power up: Turn a computer or electronic device on so
that it is ready to use.


S8. Ans. (e)

Sol. Find out: Discover

Cut out: Excise 

Add up: Calculate

Buy up: Purchase all of something

Buy out: Purchase someone’s assets


S9. Ans. (c)

Sol. Get across: Communicate

Leave out: Omit

Hold up: Delay

Make out: See

Make up: Fabricate


S10. Ans. (b)

Sol. Turn down: Reject

Set up: Arrange

Use up: Exhaust

Bear on: Influence

Catch up with: Equal


S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. Count on: Rely on

Go on: Continue

Come up with: Invent

Fall apart: Disintegrate

Call for: Necessitate


S12. Ans. (a)

Sol. Hold on: Keep

Hold out: Wait

Hold out on: Hide something

Look into: Research

Look after: Take care


S13. Ans. (d)

Sol. Touch on: Mention

Take after: Resemble

See to: Arrange

Put up with: Tolerate

Pick up on: Notice


S14. Ans. (e)

Sol. Carried away: Get so emotional that you lose

Capped off: Finish or complete, often with some
decisive action.

Cancelled out: Have an opposite effect on something
that has happened, taking things back to the beginning.

Carried off: Win, succeed.

Carried out: Execute


S15. Ans. (b)

Sol. Lived by: Follow a belief system to guide your

Laid out: Spend money

Lived down: Stop being embarrassed about something.

Let in: Allow someone to enter.

Lined up: Arrange events for someone.

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_70.1

 English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_80.1


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