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Daily Vocabulary Word 13 January, 2021- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings

Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings

Vocabulary अब हर Competitive Exam का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुकी हैं. चाहे बात बैंकिंग की हो या SSC की या किसी अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की सभी परीक्षाओं में vocabulary एक important part होती है. Reading comprehension को Solve करने से लेकर किसी भी को Solve करने के लिए Vocabulary अच्छी होना ज़रूरी है. इसलिए, Hindi Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते होहम आपको यहाँ  Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings 13 January, 2020 की Vocabulary दे रहे हैं.  

TINGE (verb) रंग देना

  • Meaning: color slightly.

  • अर्थ: थोड़ा रंग।

  • Synonyms: dye, stain, shade, suffuse.

  • Antonyms: decolorize, whiten, blanch, bleach.

  • Usage: The sky had become a dark shade of indigo, tinged with the remnants of deep magenta.


  • Meaning: an accusation in response to one from someone else.

  • अर्थ: किसी और से जवाब में एक आरोप।

  • Synonyms: retaliation, counterattack, accusation, condemnation.

  • Antonyms: acquiescence, acceptance, avowal, assent.

  • Usage: But already the parties are preparing the ground for recriminations over the failure of the entire process.

BRAZEN (Adjective) : ज़बरदस्त

  • Meaning: obvious, without any attempt to be hidden
  • अर्थ: स्पष्ट, बिना किसी प्रयास के छिपे रहना
  • Synonyms: blatant, bold
  • Antonyms: humble, meek
  • Usage: In a brazen assault, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman.

DURESS (Noun) : अवरोध

  • Meaning: threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will or better judgment.
  • अर्थ: धमकी, हिंसा, अड़चन या अन्य कार्रवाई किसी को अपनी इच्छा या बेहतर निर्णय के खिलाफ कुछ करने में मजबूर करती है।
  • Synonyms: coercion, compulsion, pressurization, enforcement.
  • Antonyms: agreement, approval, consent, persuasion.
  • Usage: I think Harry was under duress when she signed the agreement; he never would have voluntarily accepted those conditions.

BANE (noun) विपत्ति

  • Meaning: a cause of great distress or annoyance.

  • अर्थ: बड़े संकट या झुंझलाहट का कारण।

  • Synonyms: scourge, plague, ruination, destruction.

  • Antonyms: benefit, blessing, boon, felicity.

  • Usage: That evil is malevolent violence, a curse that is the bane of our human existence.

MALAPERT (Adjective) : बेशरम

  • Meaning: boldly disrespectful; impudent.
  • अर्थ: साहसपूर्वक अनादर।
  • Synonym: impertinent, cheeky, rude, brazen.
  • Antonyms: courteous, humble, modest, polite.
  • Usage: In a fury, she said that he was too malapert to give her such an answer, and affirmed that both he and they should repent it
Quirk (Noun) : विशेषता

  • Meaning: a strange habit
  • अर्थ: एक अजीब आदत
  • Synonyms: irregularity, trait
  • Antonyms: normality,
  • Usage: His biggest quirk is his love for old marbles.

TACIT (adjective) : उपलक्षित

  • Meaning: understood or implied without being stated.
  • अर्थ: बिना बताए समझे या निहित।
  • Synonyms: implicit, inferred, insinuated, unspoken.
  • Antonyms: blatant, evident, manifest, explicit.
  • Usage: In my business, all that is needed for a tacit

EPONYMOUS (adjective) : नामस्रोत

  • Meaning: of, relating to, or being the person or thing for whom or which something is named.
  • अर्थ: जिस व्यक्ति या किसी चीज़ का नाम रखा गया है, उसके लिए व्यक्ति या चीज़ से संबंधित है, या है।
  • Synonyms: namesake, cognominal, homonymous, swashbuckling.
  • Antonyms: anonymous, pseudo, unidentified, undisclosed.
  • Usage: By a curious coincidence all the names of eponymous.

DOLE(Noun) : ख़ैरात करना

  • Meaning: benefit paid by the state to the unemployed.
  • अर्थ: बेरोजगारों को राज्य द्वारा दिया गया लाभ।
  • Synonyms: benefit, allowance, charity, benefit
  • Antonyms: forfeit, loss
  • Usage: Do any of these people have jobs or are they all freeloading on the public dole?

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Daily Vocabulary Word 13 January, 2021- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Daily Vocabulary Word 13 January, 2021- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1