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Bank Exam 2020 : बैंक परीक्षा के लिए syllogism के प्रकार

Bank Exam 2020 : बैंक परीक्षा के लिए syllogism के प्रकार | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_2.1

Types Of Syllogism To Practice For Bank Exam 2020

बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं में रीजनिंग एक Important section है, जिसके अंतर्गत  Syllogism के प्रश्न लगभग सभी बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाते हैं. बहुत से स्टूडेंट्स इस सेक्शन को हल करते समय गलतियाँ करते हैं ऐसे में हम स्टूडेंट्स की मदद के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार syllogism की चर्चा इस लेख के माध्यम से करेंगे. साथ ही बताएँगे कि कैसे आप आसानी से syllogism अर्थात न्याय के प्रश्न हल कर सकते हैं. यह टॉपिक बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं में आसानी से आपको 5 अंक दिला सकता  है. विस्तार से चर्चा करने से पहले जान ले कि सिल्लिज़्म क्या है?

यह भी देखें – 

क्या है Syllogism 

Syllogism एक बहुत ही simple concept है और एक उम्मीदवार की तार्किक क्षमता पर आधारित है. उम्मीदवारों को इस टॉपिक के प्रश्नों को हल करने के लिए common belief की जगह नियमों का पालन करने का प्रयास करना चाहिए. Syllogism को आसानी से statements को  visual represent करके और फिर उनके बाद उत्तर को चुन कर कर सकते हैं. visual represent करने के इस तरीके को venn diagram के रूप में जाना जाता है. यहाँ कुछ relationships का उदहारण दिया जा रहा है कि उन्हें कैसे represent करेंगे. 

Types of Syllogism

कुछ प्रकार के सिलियोलिज़म हैं जिनकी चर्चा हम इस लेख के माध्यम से करेंगे. नीचे कथनों के प्रकार दिए गए हैं, जिन्हें आप syllogism में देखेंगे – 

Types Of Statement:

Type 1: All Books are pen

Type 2: No Book is pen

Type 3: Some Book are pen

Type 4: Some Book are not pen

Type 5: Only books are pen

Type 6: Only Few books are pen

Type 7: Few books are pen

यह भी पढ़ें – 

Conclusion Type: Given beloa are the types of conclusions that can be infer from the statements given in the question

Type 1: All Books are pen

Type 2: No Books are pen

Type 3: Some Books are pen

Type 4: Some Books are not pen

Type 5: All Books are pen is a possibilities

Type 6: All Books are not pen is a possibilities

Type 7: At least some books is pen

Let’s Understand the above types with an example:

When all the statement are positive and start with All, then the conclusion will always be positive and it cannot be negative.

Statements: All mad is bad. All bad are crazy. All crazy is mango

Bank Exam 2020 : बैंक परीक्षा के लिए syllogism के प्रकार | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Conclusion: The variable which are inside the other variable will always follow All & Some for e.g.

All mad is crazy – right

All bad is mango – right

Some mad is mango – right

Some mango is crazy – right

Some crazy is bad –right

Some bad is mango – right

The variable which is encircling the other variable will only follow some.

All crazy is mad – wrong

All mango is bad – wrong

All bad is mad – wrong

When all the statements start from some

Statements: Some classroom are smart. Some smart are music.
Bank Exam 2020 : बैंक परीक्षा के लिए syllogism के प्रकार | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Conclusion: We can only establish the relationship between the two variables which are in contact and consider any other under the category of possibility or false and they form the either or condition as given below:

Things to remember while marking the either or condition are: Both the conclusion needs to be false and must have same variable.

Some classroom are music

No music is classroom


Some classroom are music

No classroom are music

When statement have statements with All and Some Not:

Example: Statements: All Guava are Papaya. Some Papaya are Mango. Some Apple are Mango.

Bank Exam 2020 : बैंक परीक्षा के लिए syllogism के प्रकार | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1


All apple are papaya

Some apple are not papaya

The first statement is false and the second statement is also false

Note: All apple is papaya + Some papaya are not apple though both the statements are false and have same variables but they are not complementary pair).

When statement have Only a few, it means some but not all

1. Example: Statements: All mango are orange. Only a few orange is banana. some banana are apples.

Bank Exam 2020 : बैंक परीक्षा के लिए syllogism के प्रकार | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1

Some banana is orange. (right)

All banana is orange is a possibility. (right)

All orange is banana is a possibility. (wrong) This condition is false because only a few orange is banana is given in the statement and hence it cannot be a possibility.

When statements have Only it means no other thing relationship can be established between the variable other than the given one.

2.  Example: Statements: Only mango are Orange.  Some mango are Fruits.  Some Apple are Fruits.

Bank Exam 2020 : बैंक परीक्षा के लिए syllogism के प्रकार | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1
Some fruits are mango.(Correct)
Some Apple are mango is a possibility. (correct)
Note: A Few, Many, Most, Atleast is considered as ‘some’.

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