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SEBI Assistant Manager 2017 के लिए The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary

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SEBI Assistant Manager परीक्षा जल्दी ही होने जा रही है . आशा है की आप सभी परीक्षा के लिए कड़ी मेहनत कर रहे है. Vocabulary अंग्रेजी एक महत्वपूर्ण भाग है जो वस्तुनिष्ट के साथ-साथ वर्णात्मक परीक्षा के प्रश्नों  का हल करने में आपकी सहायता करते है. आप हमारी Daily Word List से प्रतिदिन नए शब्द सिख सकते हैं. शब्द सीखकर दी गई word list के अधर पर अपने वाक्य बनाए. यहाँ द हिन्दू से कुछ वाक्य है………

Example/उदाहरण: The trajectory to professional success then crucially hinges on your ability to secure a seat in one of the good colleges.

1. Trajectory [truh-jek-tuh-ree]=प्रक्षेपवक्र
Noun/संज्ञा: the curve described by a projectile, rocket, or the like in its flight; Geometry. a curve or surface that cuts all the curves or surfaces of a given system at a constant angle.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: curve, orbit, path, direction, flight, flow.
Example/उदाहरण: The lack of an adequate number of quality institutions then ratchets up the value of the few better ones unusually high.

2. Ratchet [rach-it]=शाफ़्ट
Noun/संज्ञा: a toothed bar with which a pawl engages.
Verb/क्रिया: to move by degrees (often followed by up or down).
Synonyms/समानार्थी: prong, cogwheel, differential, fang, gear, pinion.

Example/उदाहरण: It puts students into a constant struggle akin to that of ‘survival’.

3. Akin [uh-kin]=संबंधी
Adjective/विशेषण: of kin; related by blood (usually used predicatively); allied by nature; having the same properties; having or showing an affinity; kindred.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: analogous, comparable, similar, affiliated, agnate, alike.
Antonyms: dissimilar, unalike, unlike, alien, disconnected, unconnected.

Example/उदाहरण: It’s an “educational calamity”  in India, unreported, unaddressed and as ubiquitous as invisible.

4. Ubiquitous [yoo-bik-wi-tuh s]=सर्वव्यापक
Adjective/विशेषण: existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: everywhere, omnipresent, pervasive, universal, all-over, ubiquitary, wall-to-wall.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: rare, scarce.

Example/उदाहरण: This is not a rhetoric, but let’s pause for a moment to see what have we internalised.

5. Rhetoric [ret-er-ik]=अलंकार शास्र/भाषण कला
Noun/संज्ञा: (in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast; the art or science of all specialized literary uses of language in prose or verse, including the figures of speech; the study of the effective use of language; the ability to use language effectively; the art of prose in general as opposed to verse.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: hyperbole, oratory, address, balderdash, bombast, composition.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: quiet, conciseness.

6. Internalise [in-tur-nl-ahyz]=सन्निहित करना
Verb: to incorporate (the cultural values, mores, motives, etc., of another or of a group), as through learning, socialization, or identification; to make subjective or give a subjective character to; Linguistics. to acquire (a linguistic rule, structure, etc.) as part of one’s language competence.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: embody, incarnate, incorporate, personalize, attribute, impute, manifest.
Antonym: detach.

Example/उदाहरण: In the long run, instilling such loathing of failure among our students drives them to calibrate their ethical compass to what wins, not what is right.

7. Loathing [loh-th ing]=घृणा
Noun/संज्ञा: strong dislike or disgust; intense aversion.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: contempt, disgust, dislike, enmity, hatred, revulsion, detestation, repugnance.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: admiration, approval, like, liking, love, loving, respect.

8. Calibrate [kal-uh-breyt]=जांच करना
Verb: to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements); to divide or mark with gradations, graduations, or other indexes of degree, quantity, etc., as on a thermometer, measuring cup, or the like.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: balance, correct, fine-tune, fix, improve, overhaul, readjust, regulate.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: disorganize, break, damage, destroy, dull, hurt.

Example/उदाहरण: You either have intellectually elite colleges, a handful of them,  or a vast majority of mediocre ones which have lost their ability to even signal the quality of their students — one of the most basic purposes for an educational institution to exist.

9. Intellectual [in-tl-ek-choo-uh l]=बुद्धिजीवी
Adjective/विशेषण: appealing to or engaging the intellect; of or relating to the intellect or its use; possessing or showing intellect or mental capacity, especially to a high degree; guided or developed by or relying on the intellect rather than upon emotions or feelings; rational.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: brilliantly, judiciously, logically, prudently, rationally, reasonably, sensibly.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: badly, foolishly, stupidly, unintelligently.
Related forms: Intellectually.

10. Elite [ih-leet, ey-leet]=उत्कृष्ट वर्ग
Noun/संज्ञा: the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons; persons of the highest class; a group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: exclusive, choice, cool, crack, elect, noble, pick.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: bad, inferior, poor, second-rate, common, low-class.


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