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Illustrious Vocabulary For SSC CHSL, CGL And CPO Exam 2018: 19 March 2018

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Illustrious Vocabulary For SSC CHSL, CGL And CPO Exam 2018: 19 March 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

प्रिय छात्रों, जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं कि एसएससी परीक्षा ऑनलाइन मोड में आयोजित की जाती है और SSC CHSL Tier -1 परीक्षा 04 मार्च 2017 से 26 मार्च 2018 तक आयोजित की जाएगी. SSC CHSL Tier-I के लिए अपनी तैयारी को बेहतर बनाने के लिए अभी बहुत समय है, Adda247 पर हमने आप सभी के लिए SSC परीक्षा के सभी विषयों पर Free PDFs प्रदान कर रहे हैं, जिससे आपकी तैयारी और बेहतर तरीके से हो पाएगी. चूंकि एसएससी परीक्षा बहुत प्रतिस्पर्धी और चुनौतीपूर्ण है, तो आप सभी क बहुत मेहनत करने की आवश्यकता है. हमारे मुख्य रूप से तैयार किए गए मुफ्त Pdfs और मुफ्त मोक टेस्ट आपकी तैयारी में आपकी बहुत सहायता करेंगे. यह मुफ्त PDFs नए प्रारूप के अनुसार तैयार किए गए हैं आप सभी को परीक्षा के प्रारूप से अवगत होना चाहिए यह बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण चीज है. ADDA247 आपके लिए ला रहा है मुफ्त मोक टेस्ट जो की नए प्रारूप और विगत वर्षों के प्रश्नों पर आधारित है. इस पोस्ट में, आप मुफ्त PDFs डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं जिसमें आपको पूर्व वर्ष के Noteworthy Confusing English Words के प्रश्न हैं . आप सभी को आपकी परीक्षा के लिए शुभकामनाएं.

1.  MUZZY (adjective): व्याकुल
Meaning: unable to think clearly; confused.
Synonyms: groggy, faint, dizzy, shaky, muddled, befuddled, addled, befogged, dopey, woozy
Antonyms: clear, definite, obvious, unequivocal, blatant, candid, clear, clearheaded, comprehensible, conscious, defined, definite, distinct, explicit, forthright, foursquare.
Usage: Feeling muzzy from the blow on his head, he got up very slowly.

2. NEBBISH (noun) : मंद बुद्धि
Meaning: a person, especially a man, who is regarded as pitifully ineffectual, timid, or submissive.
Synonyms: banal, jejune, mundane, trite, vapid, prosaic, tame, tenuous, inane.
Antonyms: fancy, precocious, sharp appetizing, exhilarating, hard-working, vigorous, alert vivacious.
Usage: The nebbish refuses to take responsibility for his actions, always too afraid to admit that he made a mistake

3. ADUST (adjective):उदासीन
Meaning: Gloomy; melancholic.
Synonyms: despondent, downcast, dejected, crestfallen, disappointed, disheartened, , desolate, glum, doleful, melancholy, woebegone, mournful, forlorn, subdued, wretched, lugubrious, sepulchral, saturnine.
Usage: The last two, he says, are particularly dangerous because they cause the humors to turn inward and become adust.

4. EXTENUATE (verb) : शांत करना
Meaning: (of a factor or situation) acting in mitigation to lessen the seriousness of guilt or an offence.
Synonyms: mitigating, exonerative, palliating, justifying, vindicating, exculpatory; moderating, softening, tempering, diminishing, lessening.
Antonyms: maximize, burden, discomfort, exacerbate, aggravate, extend, expand.
Usage: The court reduced the criminal’s sentence because of extenuating circumstances.

5. TRAMMEL (noun) : बाधा
Meaning: restrictions or impediments to freedom of action.
Synonyms: restraint, curb, obstacle, barrier, handicap, block, hindrance, encumbrance, snag, stumbling, shackles, fetters.
Antonyms: aid, assist, facilitate, help, liberate, release, untie, encourage, emancipate, rescue, untangle.
Usage: No longer trammeled by his responsibilities as chairman, he could say what he wished.

6. PILLORY (verb) : निंदा करना
Meaning: attack or ridicule publicly.
Synonyms: attack, criticize, censure, condemn, denigrate, lambaste, flay, savage, denounce; bash, crucify, slag off, roast, deride.
Antonyms: accolade, laud, esteem, eulogy, encomium, kudos, commendation, greeting, honor.
Usage: The museum has an actual pillory that was once used to punish criminals in the center of town.

7. HEBETUDE (noun) : बुद्धिहीनता
Meaning: the state of being dull or lethargic.
Synonyms: dullness, languidness, lassitude, torpidity, torpor, drowsiness, stupor.
Antonyms: perspicacity, gusto, verve, vivacity, liveliness, impetus.
Usage: When Jessica stays up all night, her mind goes into hebetude, and she can’t focus in class.

8. LOLLYGAG (verb) : समय बर्बाद करने वाला
Meaning: spend time aimlessly; idle
Synonyms: crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, mope, tarry.
Antonyms: barrel, dash, fly, hasten, hurry, race, run, rush, scurry, speed, whirl, whisk.
Usage: We can’t lollygag around and expect to maintain the sharpness we need.

9. SLIPPAGE (noun) : सफलता में बाधा बनने वाला 
Meaning: failure to meet a standard or deadline.
Synonyms: drop, fall, lag, slump, sliding, decline.
Antonyms: upsurge, escalation, mend, parity, success, accuracy.
Usage: The smallest slippage could delay completion of the project.

10. SEGREGATION (noun) : अलगाव
Meaning: the action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.
Synonyms: separation, setting apart, keeping apart, sorting out, restriction, isolation
Antonyms: gather, combine, associate, connect, unite, link
Usage: In certain countries, religious segregation is the norm.

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